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Európsky zbor solidarity je nový program Európskej únie, ktorá poskytuje mladým ľuďom príležitosť vykonávať dobrovoľnícku prácu alebo pracovať vo svojej vlastnej krajine či v zahraničí na projektoch, z ktorých majú prospech komunity a ľudia v celej Európe.

Všetci mladí ľudia, ktorí sa zapoja do európskeho zboru solidarity, súhlasia s jeho poslaním a zásadami, ktoré budú dodržiavať.


V Európskom zbore solidarity sa môžeš zaregistrovať, keď budeš mať 17 rokov, no na projekte môžeš začať pracovať až po dosiahnutí 18 rokov. Do projektov európskeho zboru solidarity sa môžu zapojiť ľudia vo veku do 30 rokov. Centrum dobrovoľníctva, n.o. získalo v januári 2019 akreditáciu vysielať aj hosťovať dobrovoľníkov a dobrovoľníčky zo štátov EÚ a v auguste 2019 nám bol schválený projekt. V r. 2020 sa už tešíme, ako bude hosťovať dvoch dobrovoľníkov/čky z Talianska a Portugalska.

Zažiť dobrovoľníctvo v zahraničí prináša veľmi veľa benefitov a celý náš tím Centra dobrovoľníctva takúto skúsenosť odporúča. Ak chceš vedieť viac o benefitoch zahraničného dobrovoľníctva, EZS vydalo takýto prehľadný plágatik. Čítaj tu.


Predseda Európskej komisie Jean-Claude Juncker oznámil 14. septembra 2016 vo svojej správe o stave Únie svoj plán pre Európsky zbor solidarity:P031378004001 127267

“V Európe existuje veľa mladých, sociálne uvedomelých ľudí, ktorí chcú zmysluplným spôsobom prispieť k fungovaniu spoločnosti a prejaviť svoju solidaritu. A my im na to môžeme vytvoriť príležitosti ... Solidarita je spájacím prvkom, ktorý drží Úniu pohromade ... Mladí ľudia v celej Európskej únii budú môcť dobrovoľne pomáhať tam, kde je to najpotrebnejšie, a reagovať tak na krízové situácie ... Títo mladí ľudia budú môcť rozvíjať svoje zručnosti a získať nielen prácu, ale aj neoceniteľné životné skúsenosti.“

Ak ste organizácia, ktorá plánuje pracovať s dobrovoľníkmi alebo chcete skúsiť niektorú z iných iniciatív, zaregistrujte sa TU.

Národnú agentúru a viac informácii aj o ďalších iniciatívach EZS nájdete na webstránke IUVENTY - Slovenského inštitútu mládeže.


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Kontaktná osoba/ Contact person:

Ida Adolfova, ESC coordinator

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+421 918 326 416

Skype ID: upon request


 Join our team as ESC volunteer - open call (coming soon)

Aktuálne ponuky - vysielajúca organizácia / Sending organization - recent calls (coming soon)

Aktuálne ponuky / Recent calls (coming soon)

How does it work?

An EVS project is a partnership between two or more promoting organizations. These organizations are responsible for recruiting volunteers for their project. Volunteers participate in EVS through a Sending Organization in the country where they live and a Receiving Organization that receives and hosts them during their period of service.

Projects last from 2 to 12 months, and as a volunteer you can work in a wide range of fields, such as culture, youth, sports, children, cultural heritage, arts, animal welfare, environment and development cooperation. At the end of your EVS period, you will receive a certificate confirming your participation and describing your project – the Youthpass. You will receive free accommodation, food, insurance and pocket money. The only thing you might have to pay is a small part of your travel costs.

How can you apply?

If you are between 17 and 30 you have to:

1. Create own account in ESC database

2. Contact an organization that is recruiting volunteers for a granted project OR

3. Contact an organization to discuss starting a project


What does our Centre in Banská Bystrica do as a Sending Organization?

  • inform youth about volunteering opportunities across the broad and we guide them in their choice of volunteering activities
  • introduce them to the volunteering projects and topics
  • put them in contact with the coordinator of the chosen project
  • give them clear information about the EVS project, in particular about the tasks to be performed, accommodation, training and support
  • make with them "face to face" interview and guidance thru the phases of the departure
  • help them with booking the ticket and travelling advices
  • help them with signing the health insurance contract
  • keep in touch with the volunteers during the travelling as well as the whole period of the project, providing guidance and mentoring/ keeping in touch with the volunteer and with the hosting organization for a good collaboration
  • help in evaluating the participation in EVS so as to gain all the maximum benefits from her/his experience
  • if asked, help them in re-adjusting to life in his/her home country and for guidance in personal projects

What do we do as a Hosting Organization?

  • do online interview with youth interested to volunteer in our organisation
  • help them with travelling support and guidance
  • take care of the practical arrangements in order to support and guide the volunteer from the moment of his/her arriving in our country
  • provide safe and clean accommodation
  • provide food and pocket money for the whole month
  • manage on-arriving training session as well as mid-term training
  • give tasks support and guidance thru all the period of the project
  • provide a mentor with whom she/he will have regular meetings and personal support
  • integrate the volunteer into the society and community
  • offer the possibility to contact and involve in others NGO's activities
  • provide language classes with all charge free for the volunter
  • motivate the volunteer and keep the interest up with activities project related
  • encourage and provide support for the volunteers own projects
  • follow the volunteer's improvement and encourage for personal development
  • prepare departure evaluation

Read our volunteer Adina´s personal opinion (English language) HERE

Read about the experience of our volunteer Simona (Slovak language) HERE

Read more about the memories of our volunteer Ladislav (Slovak language) HERE

Enjoy video - our volunteers Paula and Pauline (English language) HERE